Order Dr. Atwell's Book: "I Can Do Anything in the Right Pair of Shoes"

Merry Christmas!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

As I reflect on this year the morning I celebrate my Saviors birth, I think about the tragic loss of a close friend this year, frustrations dealing with difficult people, changes in community, changes in work and ongoing stuff from the journey.

You may ask why I reflect on the hard stuff this morning. I reflect on the hard because it makes the birth of our Savior even more precious. Maybe like childbirth, it’s tough, painful but SO worth it. You see my friend, Jesus came as the living word (John 1) of God, the one who showed us God in flesh who was perfect in His love for others including us. So much so that He gave up his life to die for our sin and all the sin (brokenness of the world) so He could he’s all of the hurts from this world and make all things new.

I have a God who sent his son to save me from my sin and His grace now covers me. I have a Savior who will judge those who’ve caused me harm, righteously. I have a Savior who died to ultimately take away all hurt and pain one day! No other hid makes this promise…

This is why I celebrate today. Jesus the one way, truth and life, thank you for coming to earth and dying for me and for us all. I pray you choose Him today!

Merry Christmas ,

Dr. Atwell

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