Order Dr. Atwell's Book: "I Can Do Anything in the Right Pair of Shoes"

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I Can Do Anything in
the Right Pair of Shoes

Just like shoes are a daily necessity, so is peace. The Bible describes peace as something we put on daily, just like our shoes. Amidst civil unrest, noise, and hostility, peace equips us to share God’s love and navigate life calmly.

Do you crave peace but aren’t sure how to find it or walk in it? In my new book, I can do Anything in the Right Pair of Shoes, I reveal how you can put on the shoes of peace every day, preparing yourself with the readiness of the gospel.

By embracing this daily practice, you’ll be ready to face life’s challenges with tranquility, past, present, and future, ready to fight the enemy’s attacks.

I use my love of shoes to share my journey and how I’ve learned to walk a life of peace in a turbulent world.


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